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EFAP #300 in stats
Runtime: 24:01:37 | Guests: 26 + Rag's | Videos Covered: 10 | 1 Pair of Tipples
Total Time: (17:03:13)
Total Time: (6:51:23)
Total Time: (4:09:48)
Total Time: (1:34:31)
Total Time: (15:27:35)
Total Time: (6:39:20)
Total Time: (4:02:54)
Total Time: (1:29:20)
Total Time: (10:35:13)
Total Time: (6:07:53)
Total Time: (3:18:25)
Total Time: (1:21:35)
Total Time: (9:07:13)
Total Time: (5:57:25)
Total Time: (2:58:38)
Total Time: (56:32)
Total Time: (8:24:07)
Total Time: (5:39:54)
Total Time: (2:33:55)
Total Time: (26:03)
Part One | Batwoman 2x13 | Part Two | Batwoman 2x14 | Part Three
The Sixth Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame - Covering Everything with Everyone - Part 1
Be sure to fill out the The Objectively Subjective EFAP Year 6 Community Survey!
​ *Discussion* FPS games
- Indigo Gaming, Theo, MarcTheCyborg, Jedi Brooks join -​​
(19:27) First Video
Disability, Difficulty, And The Discourse That's Lost The Plot by Jim Sterling (Aka: "I hate" - Theo 2024 )
"I love it when story driven games, driven by a story, let you just enjoy the story."​​
*Discussion* Difficulty levels, game design, endings​
*Discussion* How many people legit use accessibility systems, board games/card games, interesting game systems
"If the idea of boycotting a game because some people you don’t know could play it without dying if they wanted to sounds, I dunno, completely fucking weird, don’t worry."​​​​
- Goger & Fortea join -
*Discussion* bosses and multiple players and balancing, use in various games
"Exactly *why* is the existence of a very basic accessibility option that’s technically been around as long as cheat codes have been a thing, so offensive as to render the game unplayable?"
"The idea that accessibility is something you need to take a principled stance on the same way you would about literal Nazi iconography really speaks volumes about what a cunt you are."
"Dragon Age isn’t known or celebrated for being difficult, it isn’t known for requiring its players to “git gud”. It’s a BioWare game."
"To cry foul over a story-driven game having a story-driven difficulty mode, to spunk blood in rage over those less able than you getting to enjoy the same toys you do, is to basically admit you just want players excluded for the sake of it."
*Tangent* Rags found Disney cringe in the wild
​"Recently, online personality Alanah Pearce found herself the focus of a witch hunt after Git Gudders decided to be pathetic little anuses about a comment she made that had been deliberately taken out of context and more or less *lied* about on social media."
*Discussion* Children as disabilities, other types of being a disabled​
​"Alanah used the concept of parenthood to help non-disabled people relate to disability and understand how prohibitive it can be to play an unpausable game."
*Discussion* Taking a look at the inclusive disability chart (Image 5)
- Fortea leaves -
​"I learned a long time ago that trying to be reasonable with these people is a waste of time."​​
*Discussion* Pausing in games, saving in games & the enjoyment you get from difficulty settings
​"Any developer who would disable such basic functionality as pausing because they think it increases the difficulty somehow is being, well, fucking bad at game design."
*Discussion* 30FPS cos single player & other frame rates
​"Being unable to pause a game literally adds nothing. It's taking away one of the most rudimentary functions a game can have."​​