TDW Podcast - Delving into Jared and Quinton's minds - EFAP's Proto-episode
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What is Hell in the DOOM Franchise? EXPLAINED - HN Entertainment
Video Length: 5:28 | Start Timestamp: 4:05
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review - Jared Genesis
Video Length: 7:19 | Start Timestamp: 40:52
Is The Last Jedi THAT Bad? | Quinton Reviews - Quinton Reviews
Video Length: 17:28 | Start Timestamp: 1:43:08
Rags The Misinformed: A Star Wars Story - Emperor JohnKill3D
Video Length: 12:51 | Start Timestamp: 3:26:10

"The Playstation 4's Not So Problematic "Problem"" and "JaredGenisis"
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22nd August 2018
The Force Awakens Review - Jared Genesis
Start Timestamp: 12:31 | Pauses: 99
"The reason why people gravitated to this movie is because I don't know"
"George Lucas was a bit of a tryhard"
"You don't have to watch a whole movie"
The Playstation 4's Not So Problematic "Problem" - Downward Thrust
Start Timestamp: 1:09:55 | Pauses: 83
"A huge more amount"
"4KTV's are common but not too common"
Watching Rags "expose" me - Jared Genesis
Start Timestamp: 2:02:51 | Pauses: 102
"I'm the first one to admit I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, that never really bothered me though cos I know I gots the swagger"
"I would rather be an idiot than"
"Omg, he's a queer, that doesn't surprise me"
The Unfair Failure of Solo: A Star Wars Story - captainmidnight
Start Timestamp: 3:02:38 | Pauses: 83
"I don't think hes faking the niceness, on some level he does actually care about the people he does business with, he's just also a psycho that flies off the handle at the drop of a hat"

"SHUT UP ABOUT PLOT HOLES" and "We need to talk about Film Criticism"
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SHUT UP ABOUT PLOT HOLES - Patrick (H) Willems
Start Timestamp: 4:35 | Pauses: 120
“And you know what, human beings are not logical.”
“Acting logically is at odds with acting human.”
“50% of the plot holes that I see people complaining about are things that are actually explained in the movie if you just pay attention.”
“But movies aren’t about logic…”
We Need to Talk About Film Criticism - Patrick (H) Willems
Start Timestamp: 3:19:12 | Pauses: 135
“For awhile now I’ve been noticing some things that kind of trouble me, and I’m not coming here to tell you you’re wrong.”
“Critics aren’t bought or bribed.”
“Take Black Panther, A review by a 25-year-old white guy on YouTube is probably not going to have much to offer…”

"How The Last Jedi Defies Expectations" - "Let's Talk about Thanos - Movies with Mikey"
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How The Last Jedi Defies Expectations About Male Heroes - Pop Culture Detective
Start Timestamp: 10:39 | Pauses: 193
“Simple vicarious power fantasy”
“I’d argue the intense fan hate surrounding The Last Jedi has a lot more to do with the fact that the male heroes in this movie are directly challenged on their failures by women.”
“As the movie makes clear, Finns suicide attack is doomed to fail.”
“Despite what the reactionary conspiracy theorists claim.”
My Thoughts on Having Friends - Jared Genesis
Start Timestamp: 3:01:02 | Pauses: 41
“The worlds definition of friend”
“Humans were never meant to have friends”
“Were all interconnected and want to feed off each other’s energy”
“Were all just floating energy”
In Depth Room Tour - Jared Genesis
Start Timestamp: 3:23:52 | Pauses: 81
What is there to say?...
Let's Talk about Thanos - Movies with Mikey - Filmjoy
Start Timestamp: 3:41:54 | Pauses: 139
“It was too intense for me to sit in the cinema.”
“Seeing a film wield trauma like a circus act is a little rough.”
“Once upon a time Tony just wanted some Burger King.”
“Abuse = Love…”
Sexy Man Boob 300 Sub Special!!!!!!! - Jared Genesis
Start Timestamp: 5:19:54 | Pauses: 3

"Patrick Explains STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (And Why It's Great)"
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Patrick Explains STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (And Why It's Great) - Patrick (H) Willems
Start Timestamp: 18:19 | Pauses: 167
“It is easily the best Star Wars movie since the empire strikes back.”
“This is a movie about space wizards intended for children.”
“I weep for you.”
“Finns arc is the best and the moment when he wreaks Phasma and promptly declares himself to be rebel scum is my favourite moment in the movie.”
6 Missing minutes from start of stream
Strawpoll to name the Podcast

"Everything Wrong With Black Panther An Unbridled Rage" and MundaneMatt
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23rd September 2018
& Rag's
Everything Wrong With “Black Panther: An Unbridled Rage” (Part One) - CinemaSinSins (AKA Jay Exci)
Start Timestamp: 17:58 | Pauses: 220
“Wakanda is surrounded by mountain ranges & impenetrable forests”
“What about this market doesn’t look advanced to you?”
“I mean, it’s not film breaking for me because people in real life do silly things all the time.”
“There’s no reason not to farm rhinos, they’re not a traditionally domesticated animal sure, but they produce milk, they probably produce quite a lot of meat plus they produce ivory.”
A long overdue talk - Matt Jarbo
Start Timestamp: 3:36:17 | Pauses: 8
“I issued a statement and just kept moving forward, that wasn’t the right course of action”
“I need to own it”

TLJ and BIG PICTURE - PLOTHOLE SURFERS - Into the mind of MovieBob
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Star Wars The Last Jedi is SO BAD its The Best Selling Film of 2018 - ComicBookCast2
Start Timestamp: 16:57 | Pauses: 25
“It’s the top selling Bru-Ray”
“Let’s be realistically talking about this”
“That fish man.”
Start Timestamp: 1:24:35 | Pauses: 105
“Negative but thoughtful”
“OMG stop it, you are literally killing the concept of culture.”
“I feel like an underdiscussed aspect is also how the otherwise neutrally malnutritious fact of plothole reassertion masquerading as subjective critique gets weaponized to make the subjective opinion sound like objective fact.”
“And that’s the final most insidious aspect of plothole obsessed film cultures devaluation of fanatic analysis, the veneer of quasi-empiricism can be a very effective tool for nefariously slipping one's own subjective viewpoint or value one that you know might otherwise be challenged or get you called out as reactionary or worse, into the discourse nestling it covertly among the nitpicks until it sounds like just one more true but meaninglessly so factoid.”

"Black Panther Has Marvel’s Best Villain Ever" and Cinema Sins on Predator
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Why Black Panther Has Marvel’s Best Villain Ever - captainmidnight
Start Timestamp: 36:26 | Pauses: 67
“Writing him off as a straightforward villain doesn’t seem right”
“Now that I think about it, Killmonger & Magneto have a lot in common…”
“He was at least given one of the best and definitely one of the most thought-provoking deaths in any marvel film.”
“It’s hard to deny that he had a positive impact on T'Challa”
Everything Wrong With Predator In 13 Minutes Or Less - CinemaSins
Start Timestamp: 2:06:24 | Pauses: 130
“Is anyone going to mention the pirate plank behind you 50 yards up in the air?”
“Why did you guys even plan anything when you had a grenade launcher?”
“Too much racism there for me to even unpack. Sin it three times and let’s move on”
“Why is Predator making these clicking noises and giving away its position right before it attacks?”

Responding to "Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest)"
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10th October 2018
Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest) – The Right Opinion
Start Timestamp: 35:20 (51:21/1:56:03 Covered in P1) | Pauses: 448
TRO Quotes:
“Completing his narrative tripling”
“The prequels being bad films couldn’t really have to much implication on the established sequence that already had been setup by the original trilogy.”
“By nature, CinemaSins are not a legitimate analysis”
Quinton Quotes:
“A review is nothing more than a description of an experience.”
“The nature of opinions”
“MauLer & Rags believe that they are part of a battlefield fighting their holy and protected beliefs.”
“Not that there is any factual basis to the fact that he is 100% wrong.”
*Special Mention*: IHE Quote:
“The third time I just had a good experience and was never bored.”
"I cant watch this stream because you guys pause the video every ten god damn seconds to go on a petty meaningless rant Guys, this is why people think you nitpick. When multiple sentances are strung together, they form a paragraph. That paragraph says a point.
When you separate my words by meaningless minutes of nothing, you miss my point. Thus you nitpick. This is why I won't talk to you. Additionally because I dont feel like debating you about what the word "objective" means when the dictionary is on my fucking side.
Sorry that's just my subjective option. Cinema-Sins-Ding. Negatives counter goes up.
Also fuck you my British accent is on point you're just jealous. "

Responding to "Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest)" Pt2
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17th October 2018
Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest) – The Right Opinion
Start Timestamp: 24:17 (50:56 Till end covered in P2) | Pauses: 337
TRO Quotes:
“Unnecessary criticism”
“It’s just purposely provocative rhetoric from rags.”
“MauLer is above such immature child play; The God, The Man, The MauLer.”
“Perceptively anodyne statements”
Quinton Quotes:
“Now first of all, I think most people would find it entirely reasonable to debate if the lore’s even important to if a movie is good or not.”
“I’m arguing as a fan and not as a critic and I think that says a lot.”
“And the thing is that despite the fact that they’re interpreted as sequels, the sequel trilogy is heavily standalone…”
“The idea that a Star Wars film can be said to be objectively without value because it sold toys.”
*Special Ooft Mention*: Sassy Thanos Quinton: (2:08:26)

Talking with The Right Opinion and "Vox - Why the MCU is empty/overrated"
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A chat with The Right Opinion about EFAP#8/9
Length: 1:39:10 | Start Timestamp: 2:55 | Pauses: N/A
Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe feels empty - Vox
Timestamp: 1:50:46 | Pauses: 58
“Its possible to understand how it could be fixed”
“Go back to 1939”
“They ate some cake”
“This snow globe contains a half century of television.”
“With real stakes – unlike civil war…”

Re: Joseph Anderson's "Why Horror Games Don't Scare Me"
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Why Horror Games Don't Scare Me - Joseph Anderson
Start Timestamp: 13:46 | Pauses: 85
“Death ruins horror games”
“This is where I conclude most horror games aren’t truly scary, but are instead horror themed”
“A spooky setting”
“You may even get angry at the monster when it takes to long too kill you so you can see the reload screen.”
“That’s what terror really is”
“Make monsters genuinely terrifying”
“There’s no way to dismiss their immortality”

TLJ and BIG PICTURE - PLOTHOLE SURFERS - Into the mind of MovieBob
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Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy - Worse Than You Remember - The Cosmonaut Variety Hour
Start Timestamp: 18:10 | Pauses: 164
“If you ask me, All 3 of these movies are basically the same.”
“Wow Spiderman, your pretty homophobic……”
“Aunt May is just the biggest asshole”
“Then Peter Parker kidnaps Mary Jane, and the crowd cheers him on for doing this.”
Why Plot Holes Don't Matter - Blizzic
Start Timestamp: 2:56:17 | Pauses: 154
“7 months & 11 rewrites.”
“Logic seems especially small in terms of the effect it will have on the audience
the first viewing.”
“The story must function, whether or not it makes logical sense has nothing to
do with that.”
“No one enjoys a story because of the A to B logic of the plot.”
“Logic is the opposite of emotion.”
"Hi. Thank you for being nice to the small guy. I'm not really going to try to take the discussion any further because I'm aware this video has some pretty big flaws and am also just a student trying to get better at making videos. I never really expected this video to be in this position and I think defending it would be pointless. But thank you for featuring me nonetheless."

Re: "The Last Jedi is amazing and you are all insane."
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The Last Jedi is amazing and you are all insane. - Maj0r Lee
Start Timestamp: 8:26 | Pauses: xxx
“You get to look at Women!”

Delving back into Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
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My Response to the Nostalgia Critic: Fallen Kingdom Video - Part 1 - SHINOBI-03
Start Timestamp: 46:40 | Pauses: xxx
“ *Vee Noises* ”

WOLF IS BACK....and we delve into the mind of Eric Taxxon
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28th November 2018
[VLOG] Why I hide likes, followed by Rumination on Undertale and Celeste - Eric Taxxon
Start Timestamp: 31:55 | Pauses: xxx
*My Eyes*
What is Forced Diversity? | A Response to The Dishonoured Wolf - Eric Taxxon
Start Timestamp: 1:24:03 | Pauses: xxx

Joseph Anderson vs. Subjectivity
Subjectivity is Implied - Joseph Anderson
Start Timestamp: 28:58 | Pauses: xxx

RE: "Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi!" P1
Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi! - CinemaWins
Start Timestamp: xxxxxx | Pauses: xxx

RE: "Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi!" P2
Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi! CinemaWins
Start Timestamp: xxxxxx | Pauses: xxx

RE: "Everything Wrong With Avengers: Infinity War"
Everything Wrong With Avengers: Infinity War - CinemaSins
Start Timestamp: xxxxxx | Pauses: xxx

A rhino's worth of memes and checking out "Bad Media Criticism"
Start Timestamp: xxxxxx | Pauses: xxx