Quinton Reviews
Youtube Channel:
First Covered:
Times Covered:

The first video to be covered from Quinton Reviews was his video "Is The Last Jedi THAT Bad? | Quinton Reviews".
Wolf, Mauler, Rags & Fringy covered this video.
Coverage starts at 1:43:08
Re-Review of "Is The Last Jedi THAT Bad? | Quinton Reviews".
Mauler, Rags, Jay Exci & Aydin Paladin covered this video.
Coverage starts at 1:59:19
"Rise of Skywalker is (hilariously) Bad".
Mauler, Rags, E;R, JLongbone, Weekend Warrior & Chaseface covered this video.
Coverage starts at 29:53
Below is the original video(s) covered or a backup (If possible)

Videos Covered:
Is The Last Jedi THAT Bad? | Quinton Reviews
Length:17:28 | Covered During: EFAP#0
Is The Last Jedi THAT Bad? | Quinton Reviews
Length:17:28 | Covered During: EFAP#54
Rise of Skywalker is (hilariously) Bad
Length:34:39 | Covered During: EFAP#67