Meme Videos
TDW Podcast - Delving into Jared and Quinton's minds - EFAP's Proto-episode
"Everything Wrong With Black Panther An Unbridled Rage" and MundaneMatt
Talking with The Right Opinion and "Vox - Why the MCU is empty/overrated"
WOLF IS BACK....and we delve into the mind of Eric Taxxon
A rhino's worth of memes and checking out "Bad Media Criticism"
A debate on Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A thrust of memes and just a hint of Tonald
Talking about Endgame, Castles, Swords and Game of Thrones (Spoilers)
MEMES and "DOOM Eternal looks terrible"
The Spider-Man: Far From Home Debate
The 1 Year Anniversary of Pausing Every Frame - Covering Everything
"The Playstation 4's Not So Problematic "Problem"" and "JaredGenisis"
TLJ and BIG PICTURE - PLOTHOLE SURFERS - Into the mind of MovieBob
Re: Joseph Anderson's "Why Horror Games Don't Scare Me"
Joseph Anderson vs. Subjectivity
Going downward.....at full thrust.
Milking the memes through a verb's worth of Mark Brown
The Dregs of Click bait
Responding to defences for Captain Marvel and Game of Thrones
Alchotisms and Chaos...
RE: Wisecrack on GoT and having a chat with Cynic Snacks and The Blessed Pipeman
"SHUT UP ABOUT PLOT HOLES" and "We need to talk about Film Criticism"
"Black Panther Has Marvel’s Best Villain Ever" and Cinema Sins on Predator
"CVH Spiderman Trilogy - Worse Than You Remember" "Plot Holes Don't Matter"
RE: "Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi!"
Responding to Jack Saint/Eric Taxxon - "Long Critique Is Not Deep Critique" - Part 1
Announcements - Memes - Is Mission Impossible: Fallout bad?
The Arrival Debate - Wolf vs. Jay - Also Memes - Dashes –
SJW Moments in Infinity War? With more defences for Captain Marvel and GoT
Responding to Extra Credits and many a meme with Theo, who was on EFAP.
Critique Buzzwords and finding out if he really is "Just Write"
"How The Last Jedi Defies Expectations" - "Let's Talk about Thanos - Movies with Mikey.
Responding to "Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest)"
Re: "The Last Jedi is amazing and you are all insane."
RE: "Everything GREAT About Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi!" - Part 2
Responding to Jack Saint/Eric Taxxon - "Long Critique Is Not Deep Critique" - Part 2
Is Mission Impossible: Fallout bad? - Part 2
SPOILERS - AvengE;Rs: Endgame Full Breakdown
Re: LegalEagle's case for Captain Marvel with some Tonald and a bunch of memes
The Spider-Man: Homecoming Debate - Also Star Wars
Checking out "What makes good art/film?" and "The OT Sucks"
"Patrick Explains STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (And Why It's Great)"
Responding to "Here Lies: Rags - Stop Hating What I Like | TRO (ft. A Special Guest)" Pt 2
Delving back into Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
RE: "Everything Wrong With Avengers: Infinity War"
A discussion with Snowman Gaming and Jared graces the podcast
RE: Star Wars: The Fandom Menace
Game of Thrones - Halo - COD and a pinch of Tonald
Talking about Dark Phoenix, The Expanse, GoT and who knows what else
The Spider-Man: Homecoming Debate: Reloaded