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No Bullshit

Youtube Channel:

First Covered:


Times Covered:




The first video to be covered from No B.S. was his video "SJW Moments in Avengers Infinity War".

  • Mauler, Rags, SmilerAL & PSA Sitch covered this video.

  • Coverage starts at 1:41:30

"Hot Take | Avengers: Endgame".

  • Mauler, Rags, SmilerAL & PSA Sitch covered this video.

  • Coverage starts at 2:56:36

Below is the original video(s) covered or a backup (If possible)


Videos Covered:


SJW Moments in Avengers Infinity War

Length:15:31 | Covered During: EFAP#37


Hot Take | Avengers: Endgame

Length:12:47 | Covered During: EFAP#37




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